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Common Mistakes

Across the board vehicle cuts.

Cutting vehicle numbers across the fleet e.g. 20% demoralizes efficient managers and promotes a culture of holding vehicles in reserve, "just in case".


Extrapolating pilot findings across the whole fleet.

Vehicle surpluses at different sites can vary from 0% to 50%.


Fixation on fuel as the leading savings opportunity.

70%-80% of fleet costs are fixed so eliminating surplus vehicles can offer > 20 times larger savings.


Bundling all fleet audit activities into one RFP.

Prepare a separate RFP to request specialized right-sizing skill sets and accurate GPS to optimize your fleet.

Fleet Management company performs sizing audits.

Fleet size optimization included as a ‘free’ service by a vehicle supplier is not a recommended best practice.


Procurement afterthoughts.

Organizations often forget to optimize the fleet size BEFORE:

  • Outsourcing fleet management

  • Filling new vehicle requisitions

  • Renewing lease contracts

  • Transitioning to electric vehicles to decarbonize its fleet.


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